Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 7, 2018

Vegan or Not: Can Vegetarians Eat Swallow Birds Nest?

Vegan or Not: Can Vegetarians Eat Swallow Birds Nest?
Vegan or Not: Can Vegetarians Eat Swallow Birds Nest?

It’s a very good question, and I’m pretty sure there have been debates about whether or not Swallow Birds Nest is suitable for vegetarians. So, is a nest an animal by-product?

What Are Swallow Birds Nests?

Firstly, let us take a look at what Swallow Birds Nests are made of. Swallow Birds Nests are made from the salivary excretions of swallows. The gummy saliva, hardens into tightly woven strands. The saliva is like the cement that holds the entire nest together, and the strands are interwoven throughout the nest. Such salivary excretions is super rich in nutrients, almost 100% proteins and essential amino acids. The birds make their nests for the sole purpose of laying eggs in, and they abandon the nest after the chicks have hatched. After which, the nests are harvested as a health tonic.

Reasons For Being A Vegetarian

Next, we consider the common definition of a vegetarian: a person who does not eat or does not believe in eating meat, fish, fowl, or, in some cases, any food derived from animals, such as eggs, milk, or cheese, but subsists on vegetables, fruits, nuts, grain, etc. In addition, the choice of being a vegetarian may also be influenced by either moral, religious, and/or health reasons.
An interesting comparison is this: Can one compare the saliva of the swallows, or Swallow Birds Nests, to say milk or cheese, which are also derived from within an animal? Or, should one view the nest as a natural object, which contains a high concentration of amino acids?
Depending on how you interpret the definition of vegetarian, and what your reasons behind being a vegetarian are, Swallow Birds Nests (which is technically saliva and not a product derived from the animal itself) may, or may not be considered vegetarian. So as you can see, it really is up to an individual to consider the above factors, and form an opinion based on his/her own beliefs.

3 Key Health Benefits Of Consuming Swallow Birds Nests

Just as there are vegetarians who consume eggs and/or cheese, there are vegetarians who are fine with consuming Swallow Birds Nests for the numerous health benefits, including:
1. Aid in the healing of scars and post-surgery recovery progress – the amino acids in Swallow Birds Nests are known for promoting muscle and tissue repair
2. Strengthen the lungs and other bodily functions – Swallow Birds Nests are known to boost immunity and improve metabolism
3. Help cells to rejuvenate – as Swallow Birds Nests contains a high concentration of Epidermal Growth Factors which fight signs of aging by promoting cell growth and tissue repair.
Are you a vegetarian? What do you think? Are Swallow Birds Nests vegetarian-friendly?

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