Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 7, 2018

Is there scientific prove for the nutritious value of Swallow Birds Nest?

There are many studies that have proven the effectiveness of consuming Swallow Birds Nest:
A Clinical Experimental prospective:
According to a recent medical research reported by Hong Kong Chinese University, the cell division enzyme and hormone of Swallow Birds Nest can promote reproduction and rebirth of human cells. The Glycoprotein content directly stimulates cell growth in our immune system. As a result, body metabolism is enhanced and functional effects are greatly improved. Effective results of Swallow Birds Nest are observed when they are consumed by adults (particularly women), children, elderly, and patients.
Chinese Medication's Point of View:
The following is a list of Swallow Birds Nest benefits documented by TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) Practitioners:
  1. Enhances rebirth of cells and tissues (Epidermal growth factor).
  2. Enhances the body's immune system through promotion of cell division.
  3. Strengthens the body's self-regulating actions and resistance to disease.
  4. Improving heart functions and to reducing blood pressure.
  5. Assist in prevention of cancer through rich antioxidants.
  6. Aides in the regeneration and growth of cells.
  7. Aides in the treatment of cancer patients
  8. Regulate blood supply all around the body.
  9. Improves the skin complexion.
  10. Reducing fatigues.
Swallow Birds Nest from a Nutrition Point of View:
Swallow Birds Nest contains several organic nutrients including high water-soluble glycoprotein and amino acid. It is an excellent restorative food that is beneficial for any age or gender. The main nutrition contents of Swallow Birds Nest are (glycoprotein) and amino acids (80%) (amide, humin, arginine, cystine, histidine and lysine) and various minerals 6%) such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and iodine.
Is there scientific prove for the nutritious value of Swallow Birds Nest?
Is there scientific prove for the nutritious value of Swallow Birds Nest?

About half the Swallow Birds Nest comprises of protein. Protein is a macronutrient that the human body needs in relatively large amounts. First, it provides the essential amino acids that our own tissues can't produce. Secondly, protein provides nitrogen to produce non-essential amino acids and other nitrogen-containing compounds.
Amino Acid Swallow Birds Nest contains 19 amino acids such as arginine cystein, histidine tryptophan, etc. Amino acids can be best described as the construction blocks from which protein is made.
Glucosamine (N – acetylglucosamine)
Glucosamine is a natural substance that is found in cartilage, which is the padding between the bones of a joint like hip or knee. When the cartilage starts to wear away, the bones begin to rub against each other as called osteoarthritis. Glucosamine is also a supplement that may help to reduce osteoarthritis pain and stiffness, and improve movement, especially in the knee.
Sialic Acid (N - acetylneuraminic acid : NANA)
N-Acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac or NANA) is the predominant sialic acid found in mammalian cells. It is found in complex glycans on mucins and glycoproteins at the cell membrane. Neu5Ac residues are also found in glycolipid, a crucial component of neuronal membranes found in the brain. Along with involvement in preventing infections (mucus associated with mucous membranes — mouth, nose, GI, respiratory tract), Neu5Ac acts as a receptor for influenza viruses.
Galactosamine (N-Acetylgalactosamine)
Galactosamine is a constituent of hyaluronic acid, a potent water-binding agent. Hyaluronic acid is found in many types of tissues, including brain, skin and connective tissues. It acts as a lubricating agent. Medicine makes use of hyaluronic acid in wound or burn dressings, during cataract or corneal transplantation surgery, as an osteoarthritis treatment and as a plastic surgery aid.
Various types of minerals like zinc, copper, iron, sodium, phosphorous have also been found in analyses of Swallow Birds Nests. These minerals are essential as our need for oxygen to sustain all mental and physical processes and for our total well-being. They are important in maintaining all physiological processes as they made up the constituents of teeth, bones, tissues, blood, muscle, and nerve cells.
Antioxidants are substances or nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. Health problems such as heart disease, muscular degeneration, diabetes, cancer, etc. are all contributed by oxidative damage.
Antioxidants may also boast our immune defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection.

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