Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 7, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

If you are unable to find your question and answer here please contact us instead.

Q: What is the method of collection and do you do delivery to home/office?

A: Delivery is free within Singapore on order above 500 gram otherwise it is chargeable at 10 SGD within Singapore (confirmation required), delivery timing based on available slot and most of the delivery would be on the weekend. However self collection at Tiong Bahru Plaza or Toa Payoh MRT is free of charge upon agreed timing between both parties.

Q: Is the product exchangeable or refundable?

A: Yes if the item is still unopened and untouched within 7 days period from purchase date, the item can be exchanged only as long it is a valid reason. We would like you to be satisfied with our quality Swallow Birds Nest product and for any reason you are not satisfied, please let us know.

Q: What is the correct method of storing Swallow Birds Nest?

A: Swallow Birds Nest contains the precious salivary secretion of swallow. As with other foodstuff, it should be stored properly and is best to store Swallow Birds Nest in a dry and cool area with good air ventilation. The ideal method is to store the Swallow Birds Nest in an airtight storage container followed by refrigeration. The Swallow Birds Nest can be dried in front of the air-conditioner if it is wet. However, beware not to dry by baking or by direct sunlight. Check product regularly for dampness or presence of molds.

Q: How long will the Swallow Birds Nest last after each purchase in proper storage?

A: Uncooked, clean Swallow Birds Nest can be divided into individual or smaller packages suitable for your needs, with six months’ storage time in the fridge.

Q: What is the best time to consume Swallow Birds Nest?

A: The best time is to consume the Swallow Birds Nest with empty stomach to optimize the absorption of nutrients, which is typically just before you go sleep and after you wake up in the morning.

Q: What is the recommended of Swallow Birds Nest portion for general consumption?

A: Generally one piece of Swallow Birds Nest can serve for two to three bowl of pure Swallow Birds Nest with the rock sugar recipes. However this varies from people to people.

Q: What is Swallow Birds Nest grade?

A: Swallow Birds Nest in the market has many grades depending on the size, shape and thickness but the grade is not universal as it is based on each company design.
Normally, the highest grade Swallow Birds Nest has the perfect cup shape.
The price will also be more expensive as only a few Swallow Birds Nest collected have perfect cup original shape. However, the nutrition of the Swallow Birds Nest will not differ because of the shape or size.
A common myths is High grade (AAA) means more nutritious value. If you are looking for own consumption and its nutritious value, you can ignore the Grade part.

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