Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 7, 2018

Swallow Birds Nest /Swiftlet's nest/ Swallow's Nest / Yàn wō / 燕窝

Swallow Birds Nest use a glutinous secretion, also known as “nest cement” to bind together materials for nest building, or construct a whole nest with it. The nest cement is secreted from a pair of sub lingual glands located beneath the tongue of the swiftlet.
Swallow Birds Nest are among the most expensive animal products consumed by humans. The nests have been used in Chinese cooking for over 400 years, most often as Swallow Birds Nest soup
Benefits of consuming Swallow Birds Nest
  1. Amino Acids - Help to repair body cells and generate new cells
  2. Antioxidant - Helps to eradicate free radicals in the body. Prevent or slow the oxidation damage to our body. Health problems such as heart disease, muscular degeneration, diabetes, cancer, etc. are all contributed by oxidation damage. Antioxidants may also boast our immune defense and therefore lower the risk of cancer and infection.
  3. EGF(epidermal growth factor) - Anti aging effect, making regular Swallow Birds Nest consumers young and radiant looking
  4. Source of protein
Type of Swallow Birds Nest - Unprocess
Swallow Birds Nest
Around 90% edible
Swallow Birds Nest (Aerodramus fuciphagus) provides the best nourishing effect to human bodies and has higher nutritional value than other categories Swallow Birds Nest. It produces aroma of eff white after cooking. Texture is smooth and soft.
Feather Prime Swallow Birds Nest
Around 50% edible
Effect is less prominent compared to Swallow Birds Nest. Produces a crispier texture after stewing.
Grass Swallow Birds Nest
Around 10% edible
Cheaper and thus welcomed by beginners. Textures is soft and smooth. Since the nests are built by saliva and grass, the nests contain little fiber of fresh grass.
Swallow Birds Nest /Swiftlet's nest/ Swallow's Nest / Yàn wō / 燕窝
Swallow Birds Nest /Swiftlet's nest/ Swallow's Nest / Yàn wō / 燕窝

Swallow Birds Nest different in colour
The colour of Swallow Birds Nest influenced by the environment, food and climate, hence swallows produce nests in different colors.
Best time to consume Swallow Birds Nest
It is best to drink Swallow Birds Nest soup before sleep as the rich antioxidants will help the body to
eradicte free radicals as the body heals during our sleep
House Swallow Birds Nest Vs Cave Swallow Birds Nest
The harvesters often face considerable danger when harvesting these Swallow Birds Nest. Since cave Swallow Birds Nest are formed by free, naturally-living Swallow Birds Nest, some people consider them to be more valuable than Swallow Birds Nest found in houses. Thus, cave Swallow Birds Nest often fetch a higher price as compared to house Swallow Birds Nest.
However, unknown to many consumers in the market, cave Swallow Birds Nest generally contain more foreign materials and feathers than house nests. Besides, cave Swallow Birds Nest are exposed to the risk of heavy metals contamination from external environmental factors. So, consume cave Swallow Birds Nest at your own risk!
Red Swallow Birds Nest
It is believed that the red-coloured “blood Swallow Birds Nest” is specially prized because they are formed by Swallow Birds Nest that vomit their blood to build the nest.
There is also another belief that the “blood Swallow Birds Nest” was formed by a different species of swiftlet which consumes different kinds of water and food.
Contrary to these beliefs, Swallow Birds Nest do not vomit blood; neither do they consume different kinds of water and food. In general, Swallow Birds Nest act like sponges. They absorb the chemical elements from the environment such as iron from the cave walls, dirty waters and poisons. Hence, “blood Swallow Birds Nest” may be harmful rather than beneficial to human beings.
Some dishonest Swallow Birds Nest traders even dyed their Swallow Birds Nest red in order to fetch a higher price. So, play it safe – choose only pure Swallow Birds Nest!
Identify fake Swallow Birds Nest
Beware that you might end up buying fake Swallow Birds Nest. Not only you didn't the nutritious of real Swallow Birds Nest, it may harm your body. Below are some simple guidance for you to identify real Swallow Birds Nest.
Make sure it is highly in translucent!

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