Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 7, 2018

Swallow Birds Nest Facts and Knowledge

Swallow Birds Nest Facts and Knowledge
Swallow Birds Nest Facts and Knowledge

Swallow Birds Nests are almost 100% proteins and essential amino acids. Protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes and amino acids are the building block of it. Amino acids are biologically important organic compounds.

What is the benefit of Swallow Birds Nest?

Recent scientific research has an Swallow Birds Nest has been found that amino acids rich in antioxidants and contain rich. Two key factors for the new cells and fight free radicals in our body.


Swallow Birds Nest is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances or nutrients that can prevent or delay the oxidation of our bodies. health problems, including heart disease, degeneration, diabetes, cancer, etc. supplied by oxidative damage. Antioxidants are resistant, so the risk of infections and cancer.

Collagen and Amino acids

Swallow Birds Nest is also rich in Collagen and Amino acids such as leucine, lysine, glycine, glutamine, tyrosine, arginine, cysteine, histidine, tryptophan, amino acids, etc., they describe the building blocks of proteins that is beneficial to human body.

The nutritional value of 100 g of dry nest includes:

- 49.9 g of water-soluble protein (including amido nitrogen, monoamine nitrogen, non-amino nitrogen, arginine, humin, histidine, lysine and cysteine),
- 30.6 g carbohydrate (glycoprotein and mucin),
- 4.9 g iron,
- 2.5 g inorganic salt (including potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur,
phosphorus, silica and other trace elements)
- 1.4 g fiber
Swallow Birds Nest is a delicacy in the form of nests constructed by the salivary secretions of swiftlets. It contains all the beneficial essence from the swiftlet's diet, and therefore is good for overall well-being, especially for those pregnant women and elderly, however the benefit of Swallow Birds Nest also applies to everyone.

See the following for quick summary of benefit:

For expecting mothers:
1) It helps to strengthen the body of mothers and foetus
2) Mothers can recover faster post-birth due to Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
For women:
1) It results in fairer and more radiant skin as Swallow Birds Nest is rich in collagen, protein and vitamins
2) Women who frequently consume Swallow Birds Nest also have smoother skin, and are more youthful and radiant (prevent wrinkles, rejuvenate complexion)
3) It also improves organ performance, e.g. lungs, kidneys and heart
For men:
1) It improves kidneys and strengthens lungs
For children:
1) It strengthens the immune system
2) It helps prevent common cold and flu, and alleviate asthma
3) It also reduces fatigue and improves focus
For elderly:
1) It helps in maintain general health and well-being
2) It prevents cancer, strengthen the lungs and kidneys, improves quality of spleen, clears phlegm, aids digestion and enhance appetite

Swallow Birds Nest Category:

Swallow Birds Nest usually fall into caves and house nests. Cave nests are harvested mainly in natural caves, since the cave nest is formed by free Swallow Birds Nest, some consider them to be more expensive therefore, they are sold at higher prices. But the reality is that usually cave nests contain pollutants and in danger of heavy metals contamination from the environment.
House nests are made in in the attic of houses and shops, abandoned or neglected areas in Indonesia but human has knowledge to control the best environment for swiflet to produce a high quality Swallow Birds Nest and at the same time protecting the bird and eggs from danger.

“House Nests” Are As Good If Not Better Than “Cave Nests”

In Indonesia, “cave” Swallow Birds Nests are mainly harvested from natural caves in the Borneo Island.
The harvesters often face considerable danger when harvesting the nests but to avoid destroying the nature, more and more law are created to prevent over-harvesting Swallow Birds Nest directly from natural cave.
Since “cave nests” are formed by free, naturally-living swiflets, some consider them to be more valuable than nests found in houses, and they often fetch a higher price. However, unknown to many consumers, cave nests generally contain more foreign materials and feathers than house nests. Besides, cave nest are exposed to the risk of heavy metals contamination from environmental factors. So, consume cave Swallow Birds Nest at your own risk!

Red Blood Swallow Birds Nest (Red Swallow Birds Nest) Is Not As Good As You Think!

It is believed that the red-coloured “blood Swallow Birds Nest” is specially prized because they are formed by swiftlets which vomit their blood to build the nest. There is also a belief that the “blood Swallow Birds Nest” was form by a different species of swiftlet which consumes different kinds of water and food.
Contrary to these beliefs, swiftlets do not vomit blood, neither do they consume different kinds of water and food. Swallow Birds Nests acting like a sponge. They absorb the chemical element from the environment such as iron from the walls, dirty waters and poisons. Hence, “blood Swallow Birds Nest” may be harmful rather than beneficial to humans.
Some dishonest vendors even apply red dye to their Swallow Birds Nests in order to fetch higher prices. So, play it safe – choose only pure Swallow Birds Nest!

How to identify the Genuine Swallow Birds Nest ?

Swallow Birds Nest is an expensive and nutritive product. Thus it is important to distinguish the genuine Swallow Birds Nest. In the market, there are many unethical businessmen who would increase the weight of Swallow Birds Nest by adding additives like white fungus, jelly and skin.

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